Introducing Iconico’s


The World’s First Omniapp

Stories Update Available Now

Discover Your Destiny


Sync all of your medical information in one app

Track your career and find new jobs right in the app

All of your current and future studies in one place


Sync your spending to create an accurate budget

All of your financial accounts and assets in one place

Transfer money and make investments in the same app


Sync all of your government information in one app

Find and donate to causes important to you

All of your beliefs and aspirations in one app



The Atarix engine is a state of the art algorithmic predictive engine. It makes long range predictions about contextual webs as you simulate through your life.


All the information about the world at your fingertips. Discover will let you explore the world around you and learn more about anything that interests you.


Expand your impact on the place you live right from our app. Citizen will let you vote on any election or legislation that your local governments are having.


Building on top of the Atarix engine, Brascar will introduce a more interactive world. This allows Moira to build a better model of your contextual web and thus making its predictive capabilities better.


Sync all of your messages and social connections in one app to better manage your social life. We’re creating a better way to manage and foster social connections.


Make more informed decisions by staying connected with what’s going on in the world. We’re creating a new spin on how you stay informed.


The Cavellin engine will be built on a custom architecture to better predict and explain the evolution of contextual webs. It will utilize the still in development Contextual Evolution Architecture (Xeva), which will require the expansion of A.I. access and capabilities.